What i did was:
- i had already ordered the pH probe and the data logger on Friday
- i started the lesson asking Ms B for guidance and she then demonstrated the precautions to take when using the very expensive and fragile equipment to me and other members of the class.
- then, following her instructions of keeping the probe in the bile when i was not using it and removing it carefully, avoiding contamination, i measured the pH of my samples
- i took note of the pH when the probe was in the bile to make sure no contamination had occurred (ideally it was meant to be between 4 and 5)
- i repeated the test of each sample 3 times, to make sure it was accurate, then recorded an average
- for the 1st soil sample which was taken from the grassy area where the dogs play, i got:
- a) 7.95
- b) 7.93
- c) 7.50
- Average = 7.793
- for the 2nd soil sample which was also taken from the grassy area, just the other end, i got:
- a) 6.11
- b) 6.26
- c) 6.19
- Average = 6.186
- for the 1st water sample which was taken from out on the sand spit i got:
- a) 6.35
- b) 6.31
- c) 6.38
- Average = 6.346
- for the 2nd water sample taken from the popular and wider side of the beach i got:
- a) 6.97
- b) 6.52
- c) 6.46
- Average = 6.65
- for the 3rd water sample taken from the more narrow side of the beach i got:
- a) 6.69
- b) 6.92
- c) 6.74
- Average = 6.783
however, i will be using my other soil samples as well for future tests, and therefore will need to repeat the pH test on both them and the other water samples i will collect on the weekend.

i have colour coded the water sample results to match the map and where each sample is from.
the sand spit is purple
the wider, more popular area is green
and the less popular, more narrow area is blue
great improvement on the maps, and i particularly like the detail in your results, well done. You're on the right track.